Circuit Superintendent
01382 731342
Opening Times
Toilets available
Attractive pedestrianised town centre, harbour and sea-front promenade, and the impressive ruins of the medieval Arbroath Abbey, where the historic 'Declaration of Arbroath' was signed. 'Historic Scotland' Visitor Centre at the Abbey.
Parking available nearby
Coach drop-off available to entrance, but coach and car parking in public car parks.

John Wesley visited Arbroath a total of 15 times. He opened this octagonal chapel in 1772. Nicknamed the 'Totum Kirkie' from 'totum', an eight sided spinning top, and 'kirk', being the Scottish word for church.
The simple octagonal structure, although remaining dominant, was altered and extended in the nineteenth century. Listed 1971. A porch and gallery were added in 1882, and the hall in 1896.
The premises contain a number of interesting features including stained glass windows showing the intimate relationship between life on the sea and this church's community.
The vestibule holds a small display of local Wesleyana. The adjacent Manse, now sold, was also constructed in 1772, but with the upper storey added in 1869.
St John's Methodist Church, Arbroath
15 Ponderlaw St, Arbroath DD11 1EU