
Below are some examples of services that churches have held to celebrate and commemorate their heritage or a particular occasion.


Mount Zion Heritage Open Day / 250th anniversary

250 years of Mount Zion Methodist Heritage Chapel
10 September 2023
A special celebration was had to mark this semi-quincentennial! - led by Rev'd Vicky Atkins with reflections from District Chair Rev'd Kerry Tankard & Paula Prosser, who shared the significance of heritage and how it propels us forward in mission through the generations.
Hymns rang out across the valley in celebration and parkin, crumble & custard were enjoyed over memories shared.

During November 2020, Methodist Circuit Jersey Channel Islands produced an online Remembrance Day service with Revd Dawn Saunders, Revd Jenny Pathmarajah and Pat Bougard Lay Reader for the Deaf (BSL).

Other examples may include :

Sunday school anniversary

Sea Sunday

Plough Sunday

Rededicating a new extension or part of a church