
Below are some examples of churches who have commissioned new artwork that have a heritage connection.

Keith New, Cambridge window

Stained glass window (Wesley Methodist Church, Cambridge)

Artist : Keith New - 1964 installation
Funding : £1,000 bequest
Note : The abstract design window was designed to fit into the original stone tracery of the 1913 building.

East Finchley, Susanna

Susanna Wesley sculpture (East Finchley Methodist Church)

Artist : Simon O'Rourke - 2022
Funding : Raised by the congregation
Note : East Finchley celebrated it's bicentennial by commissioning a sculptor to transform a cedar tree standing outside the church into a sculpture of Susanna Wesley

Angela dewar rivercourt

'The Falls' embroideries (Rivercourt Methodist Church)

Artist : Angela Dewar - 2002
Funding : Donations by members of the United Reformed Church worshipping at Rivercourt and Alan Bristow the architect of the Rivercourt Redevelopment.
Note : The four embroidery sets are in the liturgical colours - Green (Ordinary Seasons),Purple (Advent & Lent), Red (Pentecost), White (Festivals/Christmas/Easter). The three hangings in each set are for the table, pulpit and lectern. In each set you can see Rivercourt Church with Hammersmith Bridge and the river, the gate to Ravenscourt Park, other churches and local buildings and even the Hammersmith flyover.

Earlsdon MC mural

Stained glass mural (Earlsdon Methodist Church)

Artist : Katie O'Sullivan - 2023
The mural was commissioned by Earlsdon Methodist Church to celebrate their centenary year (alongside a range of celebratory events across the year).

Wesley Mem model

Wooden model of church (Wesley Memorial Methodist Church, Oxford)

Artist : Members of the congregation - 1908
Funding : N/A
Note : This large scale model was made in 1908 by members of the congregation and first displayed at a Grand Bazaar held at the Town Hall in Oxford on April 28th – May 1st 1908.

Wokingham MC fish

200th Anniversary Sculpture (Wokingham Methodist Church)

Artist : Rosalind Wates
Funding : Most of the fish were sponsored by families in memory of a loved one, some were sponsored by church groups and groups associated with the church.
Note : This sculpture was commissioned as part of the 200th anniversary celebrations and to participate in council plans to regenerate the town. There are forty fish in this representation of the Sea of Galilee, 12 mosaic fish that represent the apostles and 28 metal fish.

Methodist Tapestries Project

Methodist tapestries project (Weardale Museum / High House Chapel)

Based at Weardale Museum, which includes High House Chapel built in 1760, the Methodist Tapestries Collection are a series of embroidered panels that share in picture form the history of Methodism.

Designed by the museum's emeritus curator & founder, David Heatherington, the project has grown to be supported by over 50 embroiderers and currently has around 30 completed panels with a further 50 in progress. There are exhibitions of the panels.